
Ayurveda Treatment for Diabetes

In today's fast lifestyle the presence of diabetics is obviously increasing. Diabetic mellitus sugar is a medical condition in which the body is not capable of using glucose properly for creating energy and creates high blood sugar or sugar in urine. In ayurveda this disease is classified as "Madumeha".  Diabetes treatment is present in ayurveda and this is considered to be better as the risk of side effects is not present. TheAyurveda treatment for diabetes is for complete cure and gets a healthy life back.

Ayurveda Treatment for diabetes: 

Diabetes treatment in ayurvedic is mainly done with natural herbs. This is also one of the main reasons for the ayurveda treatment for diabetes to be side effects free. Let us look at some of the remedies that ayurveda suggest for diabetics. 
  * Bitter gourd is considered to be one of the best remedies for diabetics. Drinking at least a table spoon of bitter gourd juice every daily will reduce blood sugar levels and make the urine clear also.
  * Cook bitter gourd with ghee and take it continuously for a period of 3 months. This will help the blood sugar level to come to normal.
  * One tablespoon of Gooseberry juice with a cup of fresh bitter gourd juice taken daily for two months will make the sugar level go down in right amount. 

  * Put one cup of warm water in a copper glass at night and drink that in morning.

Diabetics are a very harmful disease and if not taken care of properly it can be working like a silent killer. So going for proper diet and good amount of exercise is a must with treatment. 

Useful Ayurvedic Drugs for Diabetics: 
  * Chandrabrabhu
  * Arogyavardhini
  * Asanad
  * Shilajit
  * Trivanga
  * Vasant Kasumakar

Though all of them are very common medication for Diabetes treatment, using them after consultation of medical practitioner is a must as this will help you in getting them in proper dosage though none of them is having any side effects.

Ayurveda treatment for diabetes is very healthy way to stay fit still to get the desired result that too fast and in the most effective way you need to go for maintaining a proper and healthy lifestyle and food habits. Make sure that you stay away from smoking and drinking as this can delay your diabetes treatment also. Consider discussing full medical history before starting the treatment as also if you are taking any other kinds of medicines that must also be informed to avoid constrictions

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