Gestational diabetes is seen in pregnant women when they develop high blood glucose levels during pregnancyA gestational diabetes diet will provide essential nutrients for both mother and unborn baby without making the baby grow too much.
Gestational diabetes is a unique type of diabetes that occurs when a woman is pregnant. Approximately four percent of all pregnant women are affected by gestational diabetes. The disease is caused when the body is unable to properly process insulin, causing high levels of blood sugar, very similar to type 2 diabetes. It usually occurs during the second trimester, and often disappears after the child is born. Left untreated, gestational diabetes can cause harm to the fetus as well as to the mother.
Causes of Gestational Diabetes:
During pregnancy, it is the placenta through which the fetus receives its nutritional supplies. Also, the placenta secretes certain hormones such as estrogen, cortisol and human placental lactogen that are extremely essential in preserving pregnancy. Gestational diabetes primarily occurs when placental hormones interfere with the insulin secretion from the pancreas and its absorption into the cells.
Gestational Diabetes Symptoms:
1- Unquenchable thirst
2-Increased tendency to urinate frequently
3- Excessive hunger
4-Fatigue, nausea and vomiting
A planned and balanced diet devoid of sweets is prescribed to the diabetic women to keep the sugar level in the normal range of 60 to 120 mg/dl. The diabetic lady should exercise at least 3 or 4 days a week to maintain the sugar level in the body by burning excess fat. Balanced food and exercises can help in maintaining the normal pregnancy weight gain which is vital for treating gestational diabetes.
Gestational diabetes is the most common complication during pregnancy, which affects 2-3 percent ofpregnant women. When you eat food, your body converts it to glucose and it enters your bloodstream. Your pancreas releases insulin to help convert the glucose into fuel for your body. If your body cannot produce enough insulin to convert the glucose into energy the glucose remains in the bloodstream, which is known as high blood sugar and is referred to as Diabetes. Gestational diabetes unlike normal diabetes is just for the period of time you are pregnant and disappears once the baby is born.
Preventing gestational diabetes is extremely important for the health of the mother and fetus. Excess glucose present in the blood can cross through the placenta into the fetus, thereby resulting in the birth of a baby bigger than normal size. Also, these babies are at higher risk of developing glucose intolerance, congenital respiratory problems, obesity and diabetes. In mothers, pregnancy gestational diabetes can cause hypertension, preeclampsia and fetal death.
Finally, for preventing gestational diabetes, one must emphasize on foods that have high fiber intake. Also, have a strict count on the average number of carbohydrates consumed per day.
Pregnant women who experience excessive weight, excessive hunger, thirst, recurrent vaginal infections and excessive urination are prone to gestational diabetes. This type of diabetes is detected with the help of a test called glucose tolerance. This test is conducted from week 24 up to week 28 of the pregnancy. If the doctor has any suspicion that the pregnant woman is at a risk of developing gestational diabetes symptoms, he may consider prescribing the test in the thirteenth week itself.
Gestational Diabetes is not a common form of Diabetes. Unlike Types 1 and 2, Gestational Diabetes targets only a select few pregnant women. Statistics indicate that only four percent of pregnant women are affected by Gestational Diabetes, in the United States, one hundred and thirty five thousand pregnant women are diagnosed each year.
Most women who develop this condition find it goes away after the baby's birth, and experience no more symptoms... although it is likely to return, and maybe worsen, through subsequent pregnancies. A small number of women continue on to have full-blown type 2 diabetes.
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